Liberating Education

St.Edmunds2019 295

The Curriculum model at the College has been designed to meet the specific needs of its students. The College uses the ‘Liberate’ approach as a whole-school framework to ensure this. Liberate is a model that recognises and applies the most prominent components of contemporary education. The model is based on blended learning, which is a combination of both teacher instruction and online learning and student wellbeing. Liberate challenges teachers to examine their normal teaching practice through a series of lenses - resilience, social capital, quality teaching and healthy and safe environments. Staff at the College engage in a comprehensive process of analysis and program development to produce the College’s curriculum programs in such a way that they meet the needs of the student, maintain the integrity of each of the Key Learning Areas, and allow for opportunities to generalise skills across a variety of settings.

At St Edmund’s the results of this model have included:

  • Increased student engagement
  • A focus on delivering a differentiated and individualised curriculum
  • Increased collaboration between staff in the planning and implementation of the curriculum
  • The establishment of flexible classrooms which meet the needs of all students
  • The use of ongoing assessment to inform teaching practise and programs
  • Significantly reduced disengagement and behavioural issues in the classroom

Student engagement increases with the higher level of relationship with the teacher and they gain a sense of independence working on Haiku, the College’s online learning platform. Liberate lessons are planned to incorporate Blooms Taxonomy and move students to higher order thinking tasks. Teachers have high expectations of their students and allow for creativity in their lesson outcomes.