
St Edmund's College is an Edmund Rice Education Australia (EREA) governed school and as such is subject to the EREA Complaints Handling Policy.

The College welcomes all of the members of the College community. The College's approach to dealing with formal complaints is contained in the documents below.

If parents wish to ask a question and it is not a formal complaint, please contact your child's homeroom teacher or the college secretary. 

If a complaint is made in relation to a Child Protection Matter, please contact the Principal of the College, Mrs Vanessa Dillon or click here for more information.

For further information on the Policy or Guide, please contact the Complaints Officer at: complaints.STE@stedmunds.nsw.edu.au   

Please see below the downloadable versions of our College policies. 

EREA Flexible Schools Safeguarding Commitment Statement

EREA Flexible Schools Complaints Handling Policy

EREA Privacy Policy and Guidelines 

Child Protection Policy 

Complaints and Disputes Policy 

Complaints Handling Guide 

Child Protection Protocols for Investigation

Child Safeguarding Policy

Child Safe Student Code of Conduct

Anti-Bullying Policy

Behaviour Management Policy

Student Attendance/Non-Attendance Policy

Student Attendance/Non-Attendance Procedure

Privacy, Dignity and Confidentiality

Privacy Collection Notice Statement 

Enrolment Policy

Enrolment Procedure

EREA Whistleblower Protection Policy

EREA Whistleblower Protection Guidelines

Footwear Safety Procedure